Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Remember to vote, but please take a minute to consider Ron Paul. Despite media bias against Ron Paul, he has been doing very well. He placed 2nd in 3 of the 8 primaries/caucuses(in total delegates received). He raised $20 million in Q4, which is more than Romney and McCain combined (Romney had to borrow about $20M from himself). Only Clinton raised more, and the majority of that money were from the same special interest groups that funded Bush in 2000 and 2004 (including Rupert Murdoch). 98% of the money was raised from individuals, more than any other candidate. Ron raised more money from active and veteran military personel than all the other candidates combined.
With Thompson out of the race, Ron Paul is the only conservative candidate remaining in the Republican nomination bid. As a ten-term Congressman, he is the only candidate that can claim to have never voted to raise taxes, voted for an unbalanced budget, nor voted for any law that violated the Constitution even if he was the only person in Congress voting against the bill. He is the only candidate running whose economic plan actually reduces government spending by $150B a year, while ever other candidate increases spending (Obama's plan increases spending by $287B). http://www.ntu.org/main/page.php?PageID=141 He has been voted the Taxpayer's Best friend for 10 years straight.
The reality is the government is going bankrupt. Everyone knows about the $9 Trillion deficit, most of which grew under Bush. We borrow $1-3 Billion a day from Communist China and Japan, and we print money from thin air through the Federal Reserve causing massive inflation and the collapse of the dollar (Look at Gold/Silver prices, look at food prices). What most people do not know is that Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlements are on a separate budget and is at a $53 trillion deficit, as reported by David Walker, the US GAO (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-16u9x3tfE). Each household now owes over $400,000. The baby boomers are now entering retirement and within 20 years at the current rate, the economy and government will collapse. This is the greatest threat to our national security and no other candidate is talking about it. Instead they are looking to significantly increase spending by expanding the war to Iran or creating universal health care, each costing over $1 Trillion more in the course of the next few years. How are they going to pay for it? Raise taxes beyond the 4 month a year salary we are already paying? Print money out of thin air with the Federal Reserve? Permenant indenture servitude to China and Saudi Arabia? If the US was a business, it would have closed its doors a long time ago, and the collapse of the dollar is now showing so. That is why most Wall Street financial analysts support Ron Paul.
We need an economist in the White House to protect our national sovereignty, eleiminate the deficit, and restore the strength of the U.S. dollar. The reason many people dismiss his views is because he wants to bring back troops from bases from over 130 countries which costs us ~$500M a year. Many people also do not understand his foreign policy, which is about free trade and not being the ordained police of the world (which we can not afford to be). He wants to follow the Constitution, and he is considered crazy for his beliefs.
This article explains why his foreign and monetary policy better than I do: http://www.oodora.com/life-stories/personal-commentary/why-you-should-vote-for-ron-paul.html
So I ask you to consider Ron Paul today. Many people I came across believe in his issues, but say they will not vote for him because he will not win. Besides the fact that if every person who said that voted for him, he would win, the other issue have to see is that they should vote for the candidate that best represents their issues, and not treat the primary as a horserace. The effect that Ron Paul's huge support has already done is change the conversation of the other candidates. Early in the debates, only Ron Paul was talking about the economy, reducing taxes, deficit spending, borrowing from China, and supporting the Constitution. Now all the candidates are talking about it, however only Ron Paul has the unblemished voting record to back it up.
Voting for Ron Paul, even if he doesn't win, sends a powerful message to the GOP and America that we need to be financially responsible, spread democracy by example and not by force, and follow the rule of law under the Constitution.

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